Chú thích Tachinidae

  1. Wood, D. M. 1987. Chapter 110. Tachinidae. các trang 1193-1269 in McAlpine, J.F., Peterson, B.V., Shewell, G.E., Teskey, H.J., Vockeroth, J.R. and D.M. Wood (eds.), Manual of Nearctic Diptera. Volume 2. Agriculture Canada Monograph 28: i-vi, 675-1332.
  2. Barraclough, D.A. 1996. Montanothalma natalensis, a new high altitude genus and species of Microphthalmini (Diptera: Tachinidae: Tachininae) from the Natal Drakensberg of South Africa. Annals of the Natal Museum 37: 123-129.

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